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Sleepover with Mommy 8/28

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Good evening, everyone. This is reporter Claire here with more news for you today. Ally has been building a new drawer that came earlier today. Ally had to get our drill at papa and Nunu’s house, and on her way to get it, she drove mommy and Mei to addalie and Natalie’s house to drop off some gifts for them. Mei received a gift from them too.

Dimei slept over in mommy’s room last night and the night before. They may do it again too. They haven’t been playing ping pong and Stardew Valley at night either. Sometimes they will play a few games, but generally they don’t because of school. Make sure to get your membership to yang family News while we still have our latest deal. Just until September 1st we have a special offer where you can get your first month free and just 6.99 every other month. Make sure to get this offer while you still can! For more information on our offer, visit

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