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9/23 Invisalign drama

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We have a live update on a developing story. Didi Chase left his Invisalign on a chair this morning despite multiple warnings from his mother to put them in a case when he eats. This is already the 2nd offense. Upon discovering them, mommy sent daddy to send the said Invisalign to school.

For some reason, the school admin never notified Chase, or so he claimed; when confronted about it after school by mommy, he still didn’t try to find them. It wasn’t until after 5pm when he finally tried and failed to locate them, because, they are left at an empty school at that point.

Mommy was furious at this development. She drove to school to see if anyone happens to walk out of the main entrance (of course not). But being the smart mom that she is, she drove around the back to ASAP and rang the doorbell, where she was greeted by Ms Fulton. Ms Fulton was nice enough to go looking for the Invisalign and managed to find them, bringing this saga to an end.

Expert believes this incident will bring upon a 2nd round punishment for Chase, probably 3 more days of device downtime. Our readers must be wondering why this is the 2nd round and what transpired at the 1st round. Well that’s a story for another day.

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