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9/16 rehired

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     Hello everyone, i have been taking a break from being a reporter, but gladly (not really) I am back now and we will have more news for you. today we will do only focus on recapping being events.
     First off, reporter di, and who I have officially re-hired, will be joining back in 1-12 business days. (Every day that we post) We will be pre-viewing everything that he writes if we can remember to.
     Second, di and Mei both had a birthday party to attend the weekend if 9/15 and 9/14. Di went to treetop adventures for his party, and Mei went to Mollys house for a sleepover. They slept in a tent outside.
     That’s all we have for now,  so thank you for reading yang family news, make sure to visit for more news, and we hope to see you again for our next breaking news from the most trustworthy news center in all of the land.

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